Return Policy
Online Only Return Policy
You may return any unopened merchandise in its original condition, including original sealed packaging within 7 days of invoice date and you will receive a full refund, less shipping and gift-wrapping charges.
For further return instructions, please email us at or call +971 50 218 2520 prior to shipping your package. We are available Mon-Fri 9am-5pm GST.
In the event of a refund on a purchase that received a free gift, the gift must be returned as well and must be in good condition to qualify for a full refund.
Due to health reasons, we do not offer refunds on cosmetics, hair care and skincare items. Please make your selections carefully.
Shipping cost is non-refundable for returned, undeliverable, unclaimed and packages that are refused. Any shipping cost you incur to return the product to us will not be refunded. The only exception to this is if we have made a shipping error.
Essenzi Perfume will not be responsible for insufficient addresses, packages returned to sender or lost/stolen packages.
Returns may only be shipped directly to the warehouse. We do not accept online returns to our Essenzi Retail Stores locations. Please include your original packing slip with your return or include the following information with your return.
- Full name:
- Street Address:
- City:
- State:
- Zip Code:
- Country:
- Phone Number:
- E-mail Address:
- Original order confirmation no. or invoice no.:
- Reason for return:
Returns will be processed and refunds will be issued within 1-2 weeks of receipt.
All products are subject to inspection by Essenzi staff. Returns that do not meet the above criteria may be returned to customer or destroyed upon request.
If you have any questions about returning merchandise, please e-mail or call us at +971 50 218 2520.